I absolutely love this article. Whilst I don’t have the knowledge of the history you’ve shared, I 100% resonate with what you’re saying about Astrology being an AI program. I saw your comment in Tom Barnet’s thread after I was absolutely flawed listening to his audio with Chris Gardner about referring to our “conception” chart rather than our ego/conditioned based natal chart. I ran my conception chart using my creation date from Human Design and whilst my North and South Nodes didn’t change signs, all the other personal planets like Venus and Mercury did, my sun, moon and ascendant totally changed and all the houses! What astounded me more was that I felt way more attuned to my conception date aspects of my self rather than my natal date aspects. Which then lead me to question, have I subconsciously been making choices and living out my false natal chart based on the information my mind has taken in which is totally not according to the truth of who I am and “God” intended me to be and the purpose I’m here to fulfil in this lifetime? What if we just didn’t need to know this information and learn to reconnect to loving source and be guided by intuition that comes from having that loving connection? It made me question my need to even bother investing my time and energy into knowing my chart deeply and further, heightened my knowing about how important it is to rebuild and deepen that connection to source as a priority! Your article is so synchronistic for me! As was Tom’s interview with Christopher! Thanks so much for your wisdom.

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